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Getting Started

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1. What are the the eligibility criteria?

Your journey to the green revolution is simple with SolarShare. Here’s what it takes:

1. 您需要是Senoko Energy的固定费率或DOT(折扣关税)计划的客户才能享受此服务. 请注意,以下客户组目前不符合SolarShare的资格.

a. Household customers with IGS meters

b. Business customers on Fuel Index, Wholesale price or Hybrid price plans

2. 您需要在您的场所安装智能电表/AMI(高级计量基础设施).

a. 使用SRLP/累积电表的家庭客户可以太阳城备用,以43美元的价格安装智能电表.60 (incl. GST)

b. Business customers with Senoko Energy who are already equipped with smart meters

3. You have to subscribe to SolarShare to gain access to the trading platform.

a. 从2023年11月1日起,家庭客户可以通过移动应用程序或在线客户门户网站订阅SolarShare作为增值服务

b. 企业客户可以简单地联系您的专属客户经理以了解更多信息或发送电子邮件 to do so


2. How to be a Seller/Prosumer on SolarShare?

Businesses who have rooftop solar panels locally and looking to maximise your solar investment, please contact us at Please provide us with the following information for an eligibility check:

§  Solar panel generation capacity

§  Past 2 months' electricity bills

Upon successful eligibility check, you will be given access to SolarShare within 7 working days.

For Landed Home Owners with rooftop solar panels who want to maximise your solar investment, 你可以选择(a)安装一个电表,把多余的太阳能电卖给电网,或者(b)报名参加 Circle of Green service instead.


3. How to be a Buyer/Consumer on SolarShare?


4. How do I sell green energy on SolarShare?

Users who have excess solar energy to sell are termed as Prosumers.

As a Prosumer, the process is straightforward. 你可以选择你愿意出售太阳能电池板产生的多余能量的最低价格. 然后,SolarShare平台将尝试将您的标准与其他想要在您设定的价格范围内买卖的人进行匹配. If no match can be found, Senoko Energy will buy your green attributes at a pre-agreed rate.

How to Trade

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1. What is a Peer-to-Peer Trade?

A Peer-to-Peer Trade is a direct trade with your preferred party at prices you agree with.

买卖要约(提出价格)通过指定的电子邮件地址发送给另一方,他们要么接受,要么拒绝. In the case of “Buy” trades, a Consumer can set priority for their matched Prosumers.

2. What is a Community Trade?

生产消费者和消费者都可以设定他们的社区贸易价格——生产消费者的最低销售价格和消费者的最高购买价格. SolarShare will match up the highest buy prices with the lowest sell prices available.

When each Prosumer’s exported energy is fully allocated, 应将下一个最低销售价格分配给消费者,直到所有可用的共同体能源池耗尽或没有消费者提供合适的价格.

在一个交易时段(30分钟)内,所有社区交易的价格对于社区中的所有消费者和生产消费者都是相同的. Traded prices, however, will vary from period to period.

3. What Is Untraded Energy?

Let’s look at the property below. There are untraded amounts for both imported and exported energy during the month.



In this example, untraded imports account for a total of 13.12kWh for the month, and untraded exports stand at 4.727kWh. The cause of this was due to the late arrival of meter data, which missed the daily trade run, as evident in the chart on Sunday March 12.

Does this happen often?

No, this should not be a norm. As seen in the chart above, there is only one day without trades.

4. How do I trade with someone I know?

You can do so via a Peer-to-Peer Trade. 

Here are the steps to execute a Peer-to-Peer Trade:

  1. Select whether you are buying or selling energy
  2. Identify the trade point you are selling from (most of us have just one)
  3. Set your price
  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to trade with
  5. Click on the "Submit" button
  6. 然后,SolarShare将向另一方发送消息,以检查他们是否愿意接受您的交易建议

To accept or reject your trade proposal, the other party needs to:

  1. Log into the SolarShare platform
  2. 点击屏幕右上角的通知红色铃声,将会打开一个新的屏幕,如下图所示:

Likewise, if you want to accept any trade proposal, you need to:

  1. 单击“接受”按钮旁边的箭头,选择您将进行交易的属性和仪表.
  2. If you do not agree with the proposed trade, you can reject the trade proposal by simply clicking the "Reject" button.
  3. When the proposed trade is accepted, 它出现在商定的点对点交易列表中,并将在要约接受后的30分钟间隔内生效.

为所管理的属性创建新的对等交易规则或更改有关现有对等交易规则的任何内容时, SolarShare will notify you via email with a link to the trade rule.


5. Do trades happen immediately?

SolarShare offers a dynamic trading environment at every 30-min interval. 

However, 交易结算细节将在实际消费后的第10个工作日反映在SolarShare上. This allows us to minimise meter adjustment errors.


6. How do you know the energy I generated got to my buyer? Or the energy I bought came from a particular Prosumer?

Tracking electrical energy waves is impossible due to the nature of electricity. It's like a vast lake where generators supply energy, and consumers draw from various points. 

SolarShare employs traceability using input-output data, uniquely matching buyers and sellers, and preventing double-selling via the trading algorithm. 这意味着能源可以根据一天中每半小时从哪里来来定价.

在SolarShare平台上,您可以看到每30分钟交易的唯一交易识别码. The counterparty to this trade will see exactly the same identifier on their system, and an audit service is available to trace all trading records and prove their veracity.


7. Does my solar energy trade carry over?

No. Trades are calculated independently for each trade interval.

您之前交易的能源数量不会在任何时间间隔内影响您的交易数量或价格. 这为我们和您提供了简单和清晰,因为更容易验证特定间隔内的交易是否根据我们的公式正确执行.

8. Will I receive updates of my energy trades?

Yes, SolarShare will let you know what’s happening every step of the way. 在SolarShare上执行以下操作后,您将收到一封电子邮件确认:

  • Proposing a trade rule 
  • Accepting a trade rule proposal 
  • Cancelling a proposed trade rule 
  • Rejecting a proposed trade rule 
9. I have more than one premise with Senoko, can I choose from the SolarShare platform which premises to purchase solar energy for?

Yes, the SolarShare platform trade is specific to individual premises at MSSL account level.

10. Is there additional Security Deposit required when I sign up with SolarShare?

No, we do not require additional Security Deposit. 

Billing and Payment

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1. How do I receive payment or pay for my energy trades?

The SolarShare Platform calculates your monthly net trade result, which is then added or subtracted from your Senoko Energy bill as a single line item.

2. How do I monitor revenue generated on SolarShare Dashboard? Real time or monthly? Will I be paid for my generation monthly?


我们需要一天的时间来处理信息,您将能够在10个工作日内看到您的比赛. Both consumers and prosumers will be transacting through your Senoko bills monthly.

3. Where will my solar energy purchase(s) be reflected on my monthly Senoko electricity bills?

For Consumers’ bills, it will be reflected as “Green Attributes” under the SolarShare section on the bill. 

4. 一旦我与SolarShare签约,我可以继续把多余的太阳能发电卖给SP集团吗?

Yes, you can still sell your excess solar generation to SP Group and be paid by SP Group.  

With SolarShare, 您现在可以为您的太阳能确定执行价格,这可能比SP集团提供的价格更高.

ESG Reporting

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1. How does SolarShare help with our ESG Report?

SolarShare enables users to source clean, renewable energy directly from local and/or imported solar prosumers, which aids in lowering GHG Scope 2 emissions.

Beyond energy sourcing, 该平台提供可追溯性功能,允许您追踪您消耗的能源的来源,并量化减少的碳足迹.

2. Can I sign up with SolarShare to offset carbon emissions?

As of September 2023, 新加坡政府尚未提供高质量碳信用额度的框架和标准. We will update this when there are clear directives from the regulators. 

3. How do I prove that the energy I purchase is green?

Senoko能源将注册可再生能源证书(rec)的绿色属性,作为绿色发电的证明. 消费者在前一年购买环保产品时,会在每年三月向消费者发出有关的环境影响报告. 

4. How does Senoko Energy ensure trades on SolarShare can be trusted?

Every trade executed in the SolarShare system is encrypted, and trades are individually tagged with a unique trade identifier code. 该平台包括一项审计服务,允许监管机构和审计人员确保交易数据有效且未被篡改.

Account Settings

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1. How do I change my name on the SolarShare platform?
  • Log in to the SolarShare platform using your current email address and password
  • Click on your name in the top right corner of the screen
  • Click on the "My settings" button that drops down after you have clicked on your name
  • Fill in your new preferred given and family names in the respective fields
  • Click on the "Update" button at the bottom of the screen
That's it, you have successfully changed the name you are known as on the platform!
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